On 28, April,2004 the New York City Council proclaimed" Nuclear Weapons Abolition Day" in NYC.
The Proclamation (see text at right, can be used as a draft for other cities) was given during the United Nations Nuclear Non Proliferation (NPT) Review Conference (NY, 26 April to 7 May).
Mayor Iccho Itoh of Nagasaki and Mayor Tadatoshi Akiba of Hiroshima of Mayors For Peace received the proclamation from NYC Councilman Perkins.
In honor of the occasion The Ribbon International at City Hall gave gift Ribbons to Councilman Perkins, the NYC Council, Mayors For Peace, and 9/11 Families for Peaceful Tomorrows received their panel at the World Trade Center Memorial site and an interfaith prayer for peace was read.
The Ribbons came from Lake Havasu, AZ. Councilman Perkins Ribbon had an Indian design cloth with the quilted words UNIQUE PEACE, NYC Council's panel had quilted homes/apartments with the words HOME SWEET HOME, the Mayors For Peace Ribbon was inscribed with the words WORKING TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and 9/11 Families For Peaceful Tomorrows Ribbon depicted two doves encircling the world.
The Ribbon project originated in 1982 by Justine Merritt from Denver, CO, the theme was "What I cannot bear to think of as lost forever in a nuclear war." People expressed on cloth panels their thoughts from this statement.
Ten miles of Ribbons, each panel measuring 18" x 36" with a Ribbon tie on each corner, were joined together encircling the Pentagon and other important monuments in Washington, D.C. on August 4, 1985, for the 40th anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Since then Ribbons have been created, exhibited and used events for peace, disarmament and care of the environment.
Mayors For Peace is a UN NGO led by the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Mayors from around the world have joined MFP to promote peace and the abolition of nuclear weapons in their cities. See: www.pcf.city.hiroshima.jp/mayors
Text of
The Council of the City of New York is pleased and proud to join the Mayors for Peace in declaring April 28, 2004 "Nuclear Weapons Abolition Day" in the City of New York; and
WHEREAS: The World Conference of Mayors for Peace has launched a Global Campaign to focus public attention on the review process for the Treaty on the Non Proliferatin of Nuclear Weapons (NPT); and
WHEREAS: This Conference is pressing for a negotiated, time-bound commitment to abolish all nuclear weapons by the year 2020; and
WHEREAS: Since 1970, the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), the primary international agreement governing proliferatin, control and abolition of nuclear weapons, has been signed by 188 nations; and
WHEREAS: In New York from April 26th to May 7th 2004 a delegation of over a dozen Mayors representing the Mayors for Peace will be present for the NPT Review Preparatory Conference; and
WHEREAS: For the duration of their stay they will convene at the United Nations for negotiations toward a final document for the Review of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferatin of Nuclear Weapons to be completed at the Treaty Review Conference to be held in May of 2005; and
WHEREAS: The Mayoral Delegation will emphasize the fact that our future is a matter of international peace and security, and national security; and
WHEREAS: In a war against terrorism, urban security depends on the total eliminatina of nuclear weapons; now therefore BE IT KNOWN: That the Council at the City of New York declares the 28th of April 2004 as NUCLEAR WEAPONS ABOLITION DAY, in the City of New York.

Mayor Akiba from Hiroshim and Mayor Ito from Nagasaki are holding the proclamation, directly behind Mayor Akiba is NYC Councilman Perkins, in the last row are UN NGO Ribbon Representatives, Susan Nickerson, Michele Peppers, June Tano and Barbara Gathard, The others are Mayors and MFP representatives from around the world.
The Ribbons came from Lake Havasu, AZ. Councilman Perkins Ribbon had an Indian design cloth with the quilted words UNIQUE PEACE, NYC Council's panel had quilted homes/apartments with the words HOME SWEET HOME, the Mayors For Peace Ribbon was inscribed with the words WORKING TOGETHER WE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and 9/11 Families For Peaceful Tomorrows Ribbon depicted two doves encircling the world.
September, 2009
Dear friends,
We're glad to write you again. This year is very special for us. 20 years ago a Norwegian teacher Inger Born Anderson sent us a letter with the material devoted to "Peace Ribbon ". We liked the idea and since then 20 years we have been participating the wonderful project "Peace Ribbon ". And we not only take part in the project but do a great propaganda throughout our city and our country, Ukraine.
That's why the Ukrainian Committee of the international movement "Teachers for Peace and Understanding " proclaimed us as a school-coordinator of " Peace Ribbon " in Ukraine. Every year on the 24 th of October the project starts at our school and Ukraine. We have special fests devoted to the project. We even opened our School Museum of Ribbons. The exhibits are our own ribbons and the ribbons from our city and Ukraine. Our school graduates leaving school make their ribbons for memory.
The words "Let's embrace the Earth with love and beauty! " - have become one of the mottos of our school, the school of a Culture of Peace. This name was given to us by the Ukrainian Committee of the international Movement "Teachers for Peace ". We've got special Certificate. We take part in many international projects, programmes, actions but "Peace Ribbon" is the most fav!
orite. At the end of October we're going to organize City Festival of Peace Ribbons. There're 60 schools in our Lugansk ( an administrative centre in the eastern part of Ukraine ) and each school will make its ribbon for this festival and then will represent it.
Sorry, we didn't often write to you but all these long 20 years we were working together with you, we were dividing your thoughts and ideas. And today we say: "Long Live Peace Ribbon! May Peace prevail on Earth!"
Pupils and teachers of
Secondary School 47 in Lugansk